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宝博体育 阿根廷 and experience some of the best food, 自然, 以及南美洲的文化.  这个生物多样性惊人的国家以沙漠为特色, 湖泊, 亚热带森林, 冰川, 海滩, 盐沼, 安第斯山脉, 还有Iguazú瀑布, 世界七大自然奇观之一. You can spend a day roaming through Bariloche’s magical myrtle forest or take a trip down to Patagonia to see penguins and sea lions lounging on the Atlantic coast. Horseback ride through a beautiful national park or kayak in the crystal clear waters of a Patagonian river. 你是否选择徒步旅行, 爬, 日光浴, 或帆, 阿根廷的美景会让你欣喜不已.  当你不去户外探险的时候, see for yourself how multicultural this South American country can be, 尤其是在布宜诺斯艾利斯, 绰号“南美洲的巴黎”.布宜诺斯艾利斯, 欧洲大陆游客最多的城市, has everything you could possibly want in a study and internship abroad destination: an energetic urban scene, 绿色空间, 令人馋涎欲滴的美食, 充满活力的创意社区, 便利的公共交通. Use it as a comfortable home base from which to discover the rest of 阿根廷. 




作为阿根廷的首都, 布宜诺斯艾利斯 reveals the grandeur of its European roots while staying true to its South American identity. Both old and new, 布宜诺斯艾利斯 is a mix of 文化 and identity.
53°F (12°C)
77°F (25°C)
  • 业务
  • 工程
  • 拉丁美洲研究
  • 社会科学

Enjoy the delicious barbecued steak the country’s known for at your local parilla, 参观门多萨省外的酒庄, 世界上最好的红葡萄酒产于哪里. Catch an opera show or a play at the Teatro Colon, an international landmark in the theater world. 在经典的博卡河球场加入咆哮的当地球迷 英式足球 搭配或选择马球体验, 一种由马控制的游戏, 木槌和世界上最好的球员. 品尝一些正宗的 伴侣 infusion in 布宜诺斯艾利斯 and be part of one of 阿根廷's most widespread tradition. Go on your own epic South American road trip down Route 40 that cuts all the way down 阿根廷 from La Quiaca up north to Ushuaia in the south, taking you through 3100 miles of the country’s breathtaking landscape. Watch professional dancers perform a passionate tango in 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 舞蹈风格的发源地, 去探戈沙龙上几堂课.



文科 & 社会科学

文科 & 社会科学

CEA CAPA布宜诺斯艾利斯中心

Choose from a range of liberal arts and social sciences courses in subjects like business, 沟通, 还有社会研究. Learn more about Argentine 文化 through hands-on experiences. 磨练你的西班牙语能力. 专为所有水平的西班牙语能力, 这个多功能的程序允许你选择选修课, 用符合你兴趣的英语和西班牙语授课. In the semester, arrive two weeks early for the Early Start option and hone your Spanish proficiency. 如果你曾经梦想探索这个地区的历史, 文化, 在互动的学术环境中学习政治, 那么这个项目就是为你准备的.


  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • 起价4695美元


CEA CAPA布宜诺斯艾利斯中心, Instituto Tecnológico de 布宜诺斯艾利斯

In a city known for its cultural and social diversity and richness, 布宜诺斯艾利斯 combines European style with its Latin heritage. 作为首都, 还有金融方面的问题, 阿根廷的工业和商业中心, 这里有1000多万居民. 作为一个工程专业的学生, you’ll find this cosmopolitan city the ideal place to learn how to apply engineering solutions in a global context. Choose from courses available at the CEA CAPA布宜诺斯艾利斯中心, 或在布宜诺斯艾利斯研究所Tecnológico (ITBA), regarded as one of the best engineering schools in Latin America. Please note: ITBA course are currently only available in the summer sessions.


  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • 起价6795美元

当你在阿根廷留学的时候, you’ll develop your Spanish language skills more rapidly than you ever could in a U.S. classroom, through immersion in a predominantly Spanish-speaking country. 即使你不上西班牙语课, practice speaking the language with your new Argentinian friends, 你宝博体育现场的同事, 或者你在空闲时间遇到的当地人.  Whether you choose a study or internship program in 阿根廷, your time abroad will stand out as the most exciting part of your college career. 你一回家就走, you’ll find yourself wondering when you’ll get to set foot in this special South American country again. 



  • 热闹的布宜诺斯艾利斯 布宜诺斯艾利斯以其众多的博物馆而闻名, 艺术展览, 集市和市场, 商店, 体育和赛事. Nightlife is busy with plenty of trendy bars, nightclubs and restaurants to explore. It is also one of the cities with most theaters and bookstores in the world, 从音乐剧到芭蕾,应有尽有, 马戏团的喜剧.
  • 休闲区

    布宜诺斯艾利斯 is fortunate to have a pleasant cli伴侣 and many expansive 绿色空间 to relax and unwind. 当地人受益于这些地区享受阳光, 走, 运行, 练习瑜伽,亲近自然. The city also has a free 24-hour public bike share system and a large network of cycle lanes, 让骑自行车成为游览这座城市的一种有趣方式.

  • 美食生活

    One of the best ways to explore 布宜诺斯艾利斯 is by embarking on a culinary journey, gaining an in-depth understanding of local cuisine through the history, 阿根廷的文化和风味. The local gastronomic scenery features the undeniable influence of Spanish and Italian immigration of the late XIX century, 以及其他几种民族食品替代品.

  • 多样性

    The history of immigration and cultural diversity very much shapes the identity of 布宜诺斯艾利斯. The city’s atmosphere of liberty and respect embraces all ethnic backgrounds and communities.

    这座城市是拉丁美洲的同性恋之都. LGBT rights in 阿根廷 are among the most advanced in the world, being the first country to legalize same-sex marriage in 2010 in the region.

    布宜诺斯艾利斯是一个有多种信仰的城市, 因为天主教是最受欢迎的宗教, 其次是大量的犹太人. The city also hosts the largest mosque in Latin America, as well as some Hindu and Buddhist temples.